Basic Linux commands for beginners

As a beginner to Linux OS, one should have some basic knowledge about below linux commands to interact with files, directories and permissions

ls – list files and directories in current directory
#list all files including hidden
ls -a
#list files with all the details
ls -l
#list files sorted by time with all details
ls -lt

pwd – display current working directory

mkdir – Create a directory
mkdir <directory name>

rmdir – Remove specific directory
rmdir <directory name>

cd – change to directory
# change or get inside specific directory
cd <directrory name>
# move one level up from current directory
cd ...

rm – removes files and directory.
#remove one file
rm <filename>
# remove a folder and files in it. use -f command as well
rm -r <directory name>

cp – copy files from one directory to another directory or same with different name
cp file1.txt filecopy.txt
cp /dir1/file1.txt /dir2/

mv – move a file from place to another or rename a file
mv file1.txt filecopy.txt # renaming withing same directory
mv /dir1/file1.txt /dir2/file2.txt # moving from dir1 to dir2 and renaming

chmod – change permission of files and directory
# changing file1.txt permission read write for owner and only read for others
chmod 644 file1.txt

chown – Change ownership of file or directory
# change ownership of file
chown <username>:<groupname> file2.txt

sudo – “Super user do” run any command as super user (root). You should have sudo access
# run a service using sudo
sudo service httpd start