Category Archives: GIT

GIT Commands

git init
Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one

git config

git clone
Example: git clone

git add
Example: git add .

git rm
Removes files from your index and your working directory so they will not be tracked.
Example: git rm filename.txt

git commit
Examples: git commit -m ‘adding changes’
git commit -a -m ‘commit all changes. Its same as git add and git commit’

git status

git branch
Example: git branch -a

git checkout
Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
Example: git checkout filename.txt

git merge

git reset
Resets your index and working directory to last commit.
Example: git reset –hard HEAD

git stash
Temporarily saves changes so that you don’t want to commit immediately. You can apply the   changes later.
Example: git stash
To restore stash back type “git stash apply”

git tag
Tags a specific commit with a simple, human readable handle that never moves.
Example: git tag -a v1.0 -m ‘version 1.0 tag’

git fetch
Fetch objects and refs from another repository
Example: git fetch origin

git pull
Fetch objects from remote repository and merg it with local repository.
This is same as git fetch and the git merge commands one by one.
Example: git pull origin

git push
Push all the changes to remote repository.
Example: git push origin master

git remote
Shows all the remote versions of your repository.
Example: git remote

git log
Shows a list of latst commits.
Example: git log

git show

git grep
Lets you search through your trees of content.
Example: git grep “sendmail” — *.php

git diff
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.

Rename files and folders with GIT

Here are the steps for renaming a old folder folder_old with new folder folder_new
Step 1: User git mv to move the folder

git mv folder_old folder_new

Step 2: Add the changes to index

git add -u folder_new

Step 3: Finally commit the changes to git server

git commit -m "renamed folder_old to folder_new"

Note: For step 1 if folder_new already exists in repository then -f (force) option will overwrite new folder

git mv -f folder_old folder_new